Stakeholders of Oxfam (An analysis of Oxfam’s stakeholders)
This detailed analysis of the stakeholders of Oxfam aims to examine both the internal and the external stakeholders of Oxfam. Oxfam is a confederation of 19 affiliate members led and managed by Oxfam International. It was founded in1942 in Oxford (the UK), and currently headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya. It has been fighting to alleviate global poverty since its inception.
Internal stakeholders of Oxfam
The main internal stakeholders of Oxfam are the Board of Supervisors, the Executive Board, staff, and volunteers. Oxfam International is governed by the Board of Supervisors, and the Executive Board. Both boards work very closely with each other to achieve the organisational aim to end poverty, though their roles are different. Less than 300 employees work with the Oxfam International Secretariat globally, while 10,000 employees and around 50,000 interns and volunteers work with the Oxfam affiliates (Oxfam International, 2020).
Oxfam provides employees and volunteers with a diverse, inclusive, and safe work environment. However, it should be mentioned that the charity was accused of failures in Haiti in 2010 due to its delayed dismissal of a senior aid worker who was accused of sexually harassing young women.
External stakeholders of Oxfam
The main external stakeholders of Oxfam are the donors and supporters, coalitions and alliances, suppliers, governments, the private sector, academic institutions, the wider public and the environment (Oxfam International, 2020). Oxfam’s aim is to end poverty, and therefore, the charity engages with the communities where poverty is prevalent. However, to eradicate poverty, the charity runs various projects which require money. Here, comes the relevance of the donors and supporters who help Oxfam to achieve its goal with their donations. Oxfam also engages with local partners to carry out its activities.
Oxfam along with its affiliates works in more than 90 countries. Therefore, the governments of those countries are also its important stakeholders. Other stakeholders are relevant institutions such the UN, the World Bank, IMF, the Food and Agricultural Organization and the European Union which often impact on the activities of Oxfam.
Influence of stakeholders on Oxfam
The employees and volunteers of Oxfam can influence it greatly. Particularly, the volunteers, who work for free, are very important for the charity to carry out its activities. Likewise, donors are also extremely important as without their donations, the charity cannot survive. Especially the donor governments can influence Oxfam significantly by introducing new rules and ending funding. It is worth noting that Oxfam may lose £29 million in European funding, and funding from the UK Department for International Development (DFID) because of its handling of Haiti and Chad scandals (Booth, 2018).
How does Oxfam communicate with its stakeholders?
The official website of Oxfam ( contains a lot information about its history, activities, and many more which makes it easy for any stakeholders to be updated about the charity. It uses a number of social networking sites to communicate and maintain relationships with stakeholders. Likewise, it also uses online surveys to collect data to understand how it is perceived by its stakeholders.
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Last update: 12 September 2020
References/further reading
Booth, R. (2018) Oxfam warned it could lose European funding over scandal, available at: (accessed 24 January 2020)
Oxfam International (2020) How we are organised, available at: (accessed 24 January 2020)
Photo credit: Wikipedia
Author: M Rahman
M Rahman writes extensively online and offline with an emphasis on business management, marketing, and tourism. He is a lecturer in Management and Marketing. He holds an MSc in Tourism & Hospitality from the University of Sunderland. Also, graduated from Leeds Metropolitan University with a BA in Business & Management Studies and completed a DTLLS (Diploma in Teaching in the Life-Long Learning Sector) from London South Bank University.